Extended deadline: March 25, 2009

Call for Papers
9th workshop on
Runtime Verification
RV 2009
June 26 - June 28, 2009
Grenoble, France
Aims and Scope
The objective of RV'09 is to bring scientists from both academia and industry together to debate on how to monitor and analyze the execution of programs, for example by checking conformance with a formal specification. The purpose might be testing a piece of software before deployment, detecting errors after deployment in the field and potentially triggering subsequent fault protection actions, or the purpose can be to augment the software with new capabilities in an aspect oriented style. The longer term goal is to investigate whether the use of lightweight formal methods applied during the execution of programs is a viable complement to the current heavyweight methods proving programs correct always before their execution, such as model checking and theorem proving. This year RV 2009 is affiliated to CAV 2009 and is lasting 3 days with one day for tutorials.

Topics of interest:
Paper Submission
There are two categories of submissions:
A. Regular Papers: Submissions, not exceeding fifteen (15) pages using Springer's LNCS format, should contain original research, and sufficient detail to assess the merits and relevance of the contribution. For papers reporting experimental results, authors are strongly encouraged to make their data available with their submission. Submissions reporting on case studies in an industrial context are strongly invited, and should describe details, weaknesses and strength in sufficient depth. Simultaneous submission to other conferences with proceedings or submission of material that has already been published elsewhere is not allowed.
B. Tool Presentations: Submissions, not exceeding six (6) pages using Springer's LNCS format, should describe the implemented tool and its novel features. A demonstration is expected at the workshop to accompany a tool presentation. Papers describing tools that have already been presented (in any conference) will be accepted only if significant and clear enhancements to the tool are reported and implemented.
Papers exceeding the stated maximum length run the risk of rejection without review. The review process will include a feedback/rebuttal period where authors will have the option to respond to reviewer comments.
Papers can be submitted in PDF or PS format. Submission is done with EasyChair. Informations about the submission procedure will be available at: http://www-rv2009.imag.fr
Important Dates
Invited speakers
Program Chairs
Program Committee