Program Chairs
- Saddek Bensalem (Verimag/Universite Joseph Fourier, France)
- Doron Peled (Bar Ilan University, Israel)
- Cyrille Valentin Artho (AIST, Japan)
- Howard Barringer (University of Manchester, UK)
- Saddek Bensalem (Verimag,/Universite Joseph Fourier, France)
- Nikolaj Bjorner (Microsoft Research US)
- Eric Bodden (McGill University, Canada)
- Mads Dam (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)
- Ylies Falcone (Verimag/Universite Joseph Fourier, France)
- Bernd Finkbeiner (Saarland University, Germany)
- Cormac Flanagan (University of California Santa Cruz, US)
- Pascal Fradet (INRIA Rhone-Alpes, France)
- Radu Grosu (University of Stony Brook, New York, US)
- Klaus Havelund (JPL/NASA, US)
- Moonzoo Kim (KAIST, Korea)
- Insup Lee (University of Pennsylvania, US)
- Martin Leucker (TUM, Germany)
- Doron Peled (Bar Ilan University, Israel)
- Mauro Pezze (University of Milano Bicocca, Italy)
- Shaz Qadeer (Microsoft Research, US)
- Grigore Rosu (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, US)
- Henny Sipma (Kestrel Technology. US)
- Scott Smolka (University of Stony Brook, New York, US)
- Oleg Sokolsky (University of Pennsylvania, US)
- Maria Soria (EADS, Germany)
- Scott Stoller (University of Stony Brook, New York, US)